data security

7 Ways to Improve Data Security in Company

Data security has been and will be important to people. The pursuit of safety and security is instinctual in us, and now it extends to our digital footprint.

Improve Data Security in Company with 7 Simple Ways

Due to the fact that information protection processes are strongly influenced by random factors, the methods of classical systems theory turn out to be practically unsuitable for use as the basis of the scientific and methodological basis for solving security problems.

Thus, in the formation of the theory of protection, an urgent problem arises of expanding the arsenal of classical systems theory through the use of methods of fuzzy sets, linguistic variables, informal assessment, and search for optimal solutions. Moreover, the methods of expert assessments, heuristic programming, and “brainstorming” are becoming extremely important for solving modern security problems.

For reliable protection of information assets, it is necessary, first of all, to use 7 ways to improve data security in company:

  1. organization of practical work on the protection of information and their management at the state, departmental, regional, and facility levels;
  2. carrying out research and development of all aspects of the problem under consideration;
  3. development, production, and distribution of protective equipment;
  4. training of personnel on information protection;
  5. incompleteness and uncertainty of the initial information on the composition and nature of threats;
  6. multicriteria of the task associated with the need to take into account a large number of particular indicators;
  7. availability of both quantitative and qualitative indicators that must be taken into account when solving the problems of development and implementation of protection systems, as well as the impossibility of applying classical optimization methods.

The basis of the information protection strategy is a unified concept, which is actually a sequential chain of methodologies for assessing the vulnerability of information, developing requirements for its protection, defining a set of conceptual solutions for protecting and assessing factors that affect the required level of protection.

How to Improve Data Security with the Help of Virtual Services?

The process of informatization of society has led to the fact that computer information has become the main commodity with significant value, into a kind of strategic resource. Information systems and technologies, as components of the information sphere, directly and actively influence the state of the components of integrated security.

Data security services are designed for systems with high integrity needs, as is typical of database management systems. Its description is based on the concept of “roles” corresponding to the activities of users, and granting access to certain objects only through trusted processes. The following types of access should be distinguished: read, write, add, delete, create, rename and execute objects.

Fuzzy cognitive models are often used to solve a wide range of problems associated with modeling poorly formalized processes, predicting them, and supporting decision-making. Their indisputable advantages in comparison with other methods are the possibility of formalizing numerically immeasurable factors, using incomplete, fuzzy, and even contradictory information.

Data security services are characterized by increased requirements for performance assurance. This is essential, for example, for process control systems. The requirements of this class specify that the system should recover from the failure of an individual hardware component in such a way that all critical functions remain available at all times. The system components should be replaced in the same mode. Regardless of the load level, a certain response time of the system to external events must be guaranteed.